Against all odds, a diamond in the rough
31 October 2021
Within mere minutes 'Theresa & Allison' informs us in no uncertain terms exactly what it is, with no pretense otherwise. It's very low-budget, emphasized by the modest production values and a score that is at some times very appropriate, and at other times questionable. The dialogue and initial pace is brazenly forthright. Charles D. Lincoln apparently marks his first feature film as a writer, and also wears hats as casting director, assistant director, wardrobe manager, and cast member. Above all, no matter where our attention may otherwise turn, there's an astounding inelegance to the presentation, ever bordering on inauthenticity, that flavors or outright dominates the runtime.

If you can get past all the indelicacies - of which there are many - then there's some great ideas here. I love the cheeky notion of a shadow government agency providing sanctioned oversight of creatures of the night. Though it's hardly the first time we've seen it, there's great potential in the story of a newly turned vampire learning about herself, her new reality, and the politics of the night, and I feel like 'Theresa & Allison' explores that space with a fullness that somewhat differs from its brethren. Some of the dialogue and scene writing is a tawdry mess, but there's also no small amount that is wonderfully clever. Similarly, there's no question that the acting is often over the top - but it's fitting for the nature of the picture, and the tone it strikes, and clearly purposeful. Makeup and blood effects are good, and where set design and decoration meaningfully comes into play, it's actually pretty great. Quite honestly, with a more generous budget, and slightly more care in the screenplay, this would have been outstanding.

As it is - outstanding this is not, of course. It's rife with difficulties. But unimpressive as it is at first, and for all its flaws, this is so much better than it has any right to be. I began watching with no particular expectations, and quickly began to doubt what I had committed myself to - but ultimately find that I love it. 'Theresa & Allison' defies the limits of its minimal financing, and overcomes the gracelessness in its craft, to become a surprisingly compelling story about a young woman overwhelmed with a new perspective on the world. It's absorbing, entertaining, satisfying - and at length, even rewarding.

I think it's safe to say that one has to have an open mind in approaching this film, just because what first greets us is frankly off-putting. But if you're willing to sift through the gristle to find the meat, 'Theresa & Allison' is very much worth seeking out.
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