They Call It Murder (1971 TV Movie)
I Call it Awesome!
6 November 2021
Quite many of these obscure cable-television thrillers from the early 70s are really, really good. "They Call it Murder" is even better than good. As far as yours truly is concerned, this is a downright great thriller with a captivating & puzzling plot, a fantastic ensemble cast, and a mystery climax that would even cause Agatha Christie herself to nod her head with approval. I don't want to reveal too much about the plot, but it starts with a dead body in the pool of a wealthy but eccentric family, and it ends with the utmost twisted and convoluted insurance scams you'll ever witness. The cast this modest little TV-thriller managed to gather is truly impressive, and they are all giving away stellar performances in roles that seem very fitting. Jim Hutton as the persistent DA, Lloyd Bochner as the insufferable upper-class attorney, Ed Asner as the somewhat doofus Chief of Police, Leslie Nielsen as the arrogant patriarch (who talks with a bizarre Irish accent that makes him sound like a Leprechaun), Michael Pataki as the small-time crook, and the stunningly beautiful Jessica Walter as the quiet widow with a dark secret. The latter will always remain one of my favorite actresses thanks to her glorious roles as the psycho in "Play Misty For Me", and Lucille Bluth in "Arrested Development".
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