Biographical movie, Cumberbatch really shines.
8 November 2021
Louis (loo-eee) Wain was a British artist who lived 1860 to 1939, dying a month before he would have turned 79. He also fashioned himself as a composer and an inventor although those never came to fruition. He had theories about electricity but nothing practical like Tesla.

However he made his reputation with cats, especially drawing cats in all kinds of real and fantasy situations. That is his lasting legacy. Within his family, himself and his five female siblings, were some types of mental illness. All this is prominent in this movie.

Before watching it I knew nothing of Louis Wain and now find him to be a fascinating person. I already knew Benedict Cumberbatch to be one of the better working actors currently and he certainly hits a home run as the colorful and eccentric Wain.

My wife and I watched it at home on Amazon streaming.
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