being banned before it was not completed on time.
25 November 2021
The story plot is about a university professor - played by Abdullah Ghaith - working at Kabul University who was standing up to the Soviet occupation of his country. Against the Afghan people and provoking them by insulting their sanctities, such as publicly burning the Holy Qur'an - according to the Arab Light website - In the face of this resentment, the university professor decides to gather several citizens and ask them to leave Kabul and go to Peshawar on the border with Pakistan, But disputes soon erupted among the Afghans themselves!

On the other side, there is the role of a girl who rebels - played by Suad Husni - against the traditions of her society and hates religious extremism, and strongly refuses to surrender to the new image of society. But disputes soon erupted among the Afghans themselves, as each group wanted to seize power and have the upper hand. This internal conflict later facilitated the penetration of these Afghan groups by the American forces that resisted the Soviet occupation.

This project is not completed only 70% this is due to the huge production issues. Later the film was banned from showing because of political affairs even before has been completed. So the original reel remained in the archive of the Moroccan Film Center until this day.
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