26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The sequel to the Nine Lives of Christmas starts out with a shocker! Marilee and Zachary have broken up! And she's with another guy! In Miami! And she looks Happy! AAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Well it turns out that she wanted more (marriage) and he didn't want to "ruin a good thing". She enrolled in a Vet school in far away Miami by way of a wake up call, and he didn't stop her or come after her. So yes, it was totally his fault.

But there's hope. She goes home for Christmas, as one does, looking forward to spending time with Miles (her boyfriend) and her family. But he prioritizes their Vet business over family, they have a fight and they break up over the phone. She remarks sadly to her sister that she thought Miles would have fought harder for their relationship. Poor Marilee, burned again. But she doesn't get a complex over it, she goes on and reconnects with Zack over finding homes for 9 adorable kittens. The chemistry is still there.

Kimberley Sustad is great as always. Beautiful in an accessible way, charming, and funny. Brandon Routh is very handsome and does a good job. He works well with Kimberley. She gets some good digs in. She steals the Christmas tree he and Sam (Gregory Harrison the Fire Chief) had their eye on. When he protests she tells him "Well think of it as a teachable moment. The next time you find "the one" don't drag your feet." Thanks to good acting, the banter is entertaining.

The only quibble I have with this one is that she seems to do all the work in the relationship. He is very passive. At one point, she grabs him and kisses him and then apologizes and walks away. He lets her. He admits to Sam that the break-up was his fault and it was the worst mistake of his life. Sam asks him whether he ever told her that. Uh, No. He sees her with her ex (yes Miles shows up in Oregon all contrite) and he jumps to conclusions and runs home. She has to call him. He doesn't answer his phone. When his cat answers it for him, she confesses her love, but he has to think about it and remains silent.

Finally, at the end, he says and does everything he should and even puts a ring on it. I am making the decision to have faith that this relationship has a future because I like the couple so much. Plus, breaking up with her now that they're engaged would take some initiative on his part, so I think Marilee is safe from another heartbreak.
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