Project Christmas Wish (2020 TV Movie)
A 10/10 it is!
28 November 2021
I rarely, if ever, score a film a ten but this one really deserves it!

Not finding the title nor the logline particularly eye-catching or appealing I began watching this flick with a prejudice that it would turn into mediocrity - in other words another forgettable piece of crud, in a genre that attracts too many average scores on here.

But this one took me completely by surprise...

Probably just as rare for me, is to refer to the acting, but on this occasion, it would be amiss not to mention the superlative performance at the HEART (how many TV films have a heart?) of this story proffered by the very gifted Amanda Schull - there are comedic, slightly goofy moments; and childlike banter with children and co-workers; romantic and melancholic moments that Ms Schull performs to perfection. It is rare indeed to see a fully drawn three-dimensional character in a TV film, so this is worth remarking upon here.

Her role is matched admirably by Travis Van Winkle (unrecognisable from that other festive gem 'Christmas Getaway' (2017) - there's a double-bill for the Christmas stocking this year, figuratively speaking as 'Getaway' is very good indeed! Clearly Mr. Van Winkle has an eagle-eye for above average scripts, and he is very good match for Ms. Schull.

He plays a prickly widower/father who is still recovering from the the loss of his late wife and mother of his young daughter, who (both) are struggling during the Yuletide - specifically Christmas festivities (which he banned for both of them because of painful memories).

This is where Ms Schull's character steps in and blows away the cobwebs and the 'bah humbug' from the lives of father & daughter. And of course romance ensues...but's it's a slippery path, surprisingly here, strewn with a few broken paving stones.

A Christmas-themed romance that's not afraid to look at the dark pits in the human soul - there is no cheap sentimentality here, but a strong air of authenticity, which is the hen's teeth of cheesy romantic dramas in general.

This film, as I've already mentioned has a big heart, and fortunately the cheese and the sugar are in short-supply, which gives this drama a very superior finish - despite the very starry and festive backdrop. - if there was one tree, one candle, one Christmas ornament this film would still work - the overly festive jazzy background not needed, but of course this must be included because of the genre for which it was made.

To reveal more would be to spoil; but do watch out for magic moments in the Gingerbread House (I didn't know they actually existed!) - a dreamy private household that a child (of any age) would want to dream in during the season of child-like escapism.

If you love the Christmas romance genre accompanied by a little bit of dreamy escapism then this movie is a must-see!
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