Worth watching one for sure
6 December 2021
Beautiful movie worth your precious time for sure. Thought provoking movie, potraites nicely the other side of the coin. What could have been happened if he had really escaped, soul touching movie. The old age is hell on earth irrespective of your nationality and the power you possess. After reading several books and seeing multiple documentaries I personally think that he really escaped to Argentina. You need to understand one thing that if 1,2,3,4 or even 5 people are saying something it can be a lie. But if more than 5 people are saying the same thing so concretely and also the fact that this all people are of different age and gender and social groups. They are not connected in any possible manner with each other. It can be really true and the movie potraites the same elegantly. Even the furer could not avoid the old age horrors and betrayals.

All this will remain a true mystery forever.
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