One of the better Christmas specials
13 December 2021
I remember watching this one all the time after my folks taped it. As a Rankin-Bass production, and after watching the original 1980s Thundercats I started to see multiple parallels. The voices were similar (the villain is voiced by the same guy who did Panthro and also Bill Cosby's TV dad from The Cosby Show) and even the music sounds like Thundercats.

But back to the Christmas special. It wasn't until later I learned that the special was originally a novel by Oz creator L. Frank Baum. I read that book a while ago and really enjoyed it. It's like a Christmas version of The Lord of the Rings. All of the characters in this one were very unique and had personality. Yes, it's a little dark and it has nothing to do with Christianity but if you're sick of religious overtones this may be the perfect remedy.

What I'd really like now is to see this one brought back to TV or at least put on Apple TV's streaming service. I'd watch it in a second. Maybe the dark themes turned a lot of people off and that's why it's not on anymore. Still, it's a nice second viewpoint of the Christmas story.
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