"The most amazing adventure in the world!"
14 December 2021
I was so excited to see this installment of the "Godwink" Christmas series. All unrelated stories, all based on true couples with cute romances, you can expect them to be extremely corny. After all, the premise is God "winking" at a couple who needs a little nudge to get together. Add that to a Christmas setting, and this Hallmark franchise is just about as cheesy as it gets. But there are lots of people who love those types of movies and look forward to them every year, so don't knock them until you've watched a couple.

Starring Sam Page and Brooke D'Orsay as high school sweethearts reunited years later, they both "coincidentally" run into each other driving through the streets of Boise. Brooke actually recognizes his car (those who just rolled their eyes can turn the movie off now). Sam has an ex-wife, two sons, and no job. He's just moved home after living his dream adventure job in Hawaii. You can't help but feel a little sad, since his life didn't turn out the way he wanted it. And, since he's obviously going to get back together with his high school girlfriend, it makes you wonder if the past fifteen years had been a big waste. Don't throw anything at me; I know he loves his children. But he'll also love the children he'll have with Brooke just as much.

When you watch this one, just throw realism out the window. Yes, it's based on a true story, and yes Brooke makes sure to say "Boise" the way Idahoans do, but the rest of it is pure fantasy. Sam's mom, Michele Scarabelli, looks way too young to be a grandmother. If it weren't for the white wig they made her wear, you'd think she was the female lead. Brooke's relationship with her co-worker and boyfriend, Zahf Paroo, is pretty forced. They've been long-distance for six months, and now that his transfer puts him in Boise with her, they're ... pretty anxious to stay as far apart as possible. Brooke's boss, Hallmark veteran Brenda Crichlow, does not treat her like an employee, and Brooke's best friend, Katrina Reynolds, has great energy but is far more supportive than real best friends. And does no one else notice that the younger actors cast as the teenage versions of the leads look absolutely nothing like them?

Overall, even though I liked the cast, I didn't end up liking this movie. I'll stick with some of my favorites, Christmas in Rome and Miss Christmas. By the time Brooke declares their latest foray will be "the most amazing adventure in the world!" the cynics will no doubt mutter, "I don't care," under their breaths. Those who love corn, cheese, and mistletoe, will probably dab their eyes and hope something so romantic will happen to them.
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