Anne Boleyn (2021)
Not at all as bad as I'd been lead to imagine...
15 December 2021
Sure, this is one of those shows and concepts where the first reaction anyone with any degree of Tudor history knowledge would be skeptical at best, and down right wary at worst.... I was one of these myself, initially I simply said no, I wouldn't watch this because the reviews and write ups on it suggested there were agendas that had less to do with telling a history story and more to do with modern politics... so I waited, and waited some more....

I am a little disappointed that I cannot add a voice of modest approval to the show back when it was first shown, there were a few modest or kind reviews by our reviewing peers, but they were swamped out by the plethora of reviews who I would dare to say had more than reviewing a historically based tv show on their minds.

There are plenty of other stories, documentaries, movies, bookes, podcasts and probably YouTube channels and snapchat stories about Anne Boleyn, it would be fair to assume at this point, that pending the Vatican actually opening ALL of their stash of files, the majority of the story, real or made up, from contemporary sources has pretty much been exhausted. It would seen to our eyes that she, and those who died with her for the crimes she was herself accused of, were without doubt not guilty, or at least not as guilty as the full story given at the time might try to want us to believe. Plenty of intellects have attempted rewrite of Anne's story, trying to make it seem less scheme and a whole lot more one of a woman who was surrounded by bad and awful men who wanted her out of the way. Given what we know know of Henry VIII, one would tend to conclude the kinder version of the story is likely the true one - after all, it is remarkable what a leader will do for power, or an heir, or to hang on to both.

I personally did not hate the writing, there were a few too many odd pauses in proceedings, and some rather unexplained drop offs to what they were saying. Fundamentally though, I think they did a good enough job for what this show was, it wasn't trying to be a documentary, it was trying to shed a new light, or a different one perhaps and that I think it did successfully. Henry was fairly light (unusually) in both dialogue and nature, it didn't seem this actor quite got the evil tyrant bit sorted

The shining star was Jodie, she showed elements of an almost mythical personality that I have no doubt were there, she was jealous and spiteful and rather petty and peevish at times, spoiled and more than a little bit snob and brat all mixed in with scheme and intellect and manipulation. I felt she portrayed a genuine care for her daughter that few other actors have radiated so well when playing this role. Sure, would Jodie has been the expected choice, probably not, but was she right, hell yes she was, because she bought to Anne some traits we have never really seen or heard about. There is no denying she is a strong actor with an immense talent for forecasting her emotion through both word, act and expression.

One may pick away at the details that were out of whack, like them all having lovely white teeth *unlikely in 16th century UK or even today, or the manufacturing on bulb candles or pots scattered about..... but it is fluff, it is not a core part of the story.

I think the makers and casting team are to be applauded loudly, Jodie is to be commended and congratulated for taking on what would always be a challenging role in the Uk and for delivering a performance I imagine Anne would appreciate.
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