Irish romanticism, I can't explain it, won't try, but I love it anyway.
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Today's social media generation would dismiss the movie as... as... I don't know what pejorative insensitive word they'd use, but it doesn't matter. It wouldn't matter to the characters to be sure, and it certainly doesn't matter to me. A young boy and girl grow up neighbours, friends and more, and the only thing they aren't is lovers. A terrible waste of time in anyone's life, that they haven't..

The whole families, friends and neighbours all wonder... "What the heck are they waiting for?" The good news is they eventually find what it was they needed... an ultimatum by the Irish lass who at one point considered having her eggs frozen. Their parents who tried everything to make the couple realize their destiny needed fulfilling, succeeded, but it was beyond their grave they did.

Once you watch the movie, this will all make perfect sense to you; I couldn't make sense of it myself throughout the movie, until the last scenes. So why should I spare you that pleasure. Oh dear! Their world has become mine. Help!
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