The kittens are cute, so is the film
23 December 2021
Haven't seen 'The Nine Lives of Christmas' for some time, but do remember liking it a lot and considering it one of the better Hallmark Christmas films that year. Although Hallmark really do vary when it comes to their sequels, it is always a little more promising when the same leads and cast return in the sequel which helps give continuity. Which is what 'The Nine Kittens of Christmas' does. Also saw it as someone who likes Kimberly Sustad, both as a lead and supporting actress.

While not as good as before, 'The Nine Kittens of Christmas', once you get past the off putting beginning that makes one unsure of whether to continue, turned out to be a worthy sequel and a quite decent film in its own right. Sustad and kitten fans will be in heaven and it is interesting seeing how much Brandon Routh has matured as an actor. 2021 was very hit and miss with its Christmas output and 'The Nine Kittens of Christmas' is one of the high middle ones in my view.

'The Nine Kittens of Christmas' isn't perfect. Wasn't overly impressed by the start, after such a beautiful ending in the previous film it is agreed that the circumstances set at the beginning rather undid it and it was like it didn't happen. It did make me think is this going to be another sequel that messes around with continuity in a mean spirited way.

Did also find Zach less likeable as a character here, here he seemed too passive and his indifference to the emotion spilling out from Marilee towards the end was something of a turn off. Will agree too that the advent calendar subplot was not necessary at all in the story and felt like padding, especially when very little is done with it.

On the other hand, Sustad is truly charming and heartfelt throughout and apart from at the end (which was a character writing thing at a guess) Routh looks more comfortable here. Their chemistry is as fresh and sweet as it was before and it was like the seven year gap had not happened. Gregory Harrison is distinguished support. The kittens are absolutely adorable and hug-worthy, though the film just about avoids sugar overload territory (which could easily have happened when reading the synopsis).

Production values are slick and attractive and the music isn't sickly or melodramatic. The dialogue doesn't come over as cheesy or schmaltzy and has a nice light hearted tone. Despite starting off unsure, the story is immensely charming and heart-warming. Really loved the development of the sister relationship, which was beautifully done and very relatable. The ending did move, namely because of Sustad, if not as much as that of the first. Most of the characters are written well and are worth caring about, the only reservation being with Zach.

In summary, worthy and a decent watch. 7/10.
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