The Magician (I) (1926)
31 December 2021
This is a good-looking film. High production values. Beautiful location shooting. Excellent cinematography.

The mad scientist is suitably creepy. The male lead handsome and heroic. And the female lead a beautiful damsel in distress.

M favorite scene was the red-tinged descent into fantasy h3ll. If I had seen that when I was a kid I would have been afraid to go to bed for a week.

On the other hand, the plot doesn't really have much motion. OK, mad scientist entices girl away from fiance. It's a little lethargic, to be honest. The climax is right out of a 1990s Hollywood movie. Fistfight, yawn.

Enjoyable to see once, but for the location shooting more than the ''horror" aspects, which I found pedestrian, other than the "h3ll" scene.
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