The Way West (1967)
Entertaining Oregon Trail adventure
14 January 2022
Three hunky guys for the price of one - yes, please! I couldn't wait to watch The Way West, starring Kirk Douglas, Robert Mitchum, and Richard Widmark. Can they get any cuter? Bob has adorable shaggy hair and a carefree attitude as he leads the wagon train through difficult territory, Dick has his signature blond locks and crooked smile, and Kirk is orderly, wealthy, and knows what he wants.

Every wagon train movie is going to have its hurdles, like snakebites, Indians, water shortages, or sabotage. I won't tell you what happens in this movie, but it is very exciting with lots of twists and turns along the way. There are some moments that make you want to cringe as certain characters make mistakes, but your involvement is the sign that it's a good movie. Not everyone's going to get a happy ending, but it's realistic for that time period. When people decided to pack their covered wagon and head west, they didn't know what they'd find or if they would even make it there at all. As the saying goes, you find out what you're made of when the chips are down. When your wagon floods in the river and you lose all your supplies, when your spouse dies and you're frightened of making the journey alone, when Indians surround the train and aim their arrows, what will you do? To find out what these characters do, rent this entertaining adventure flick. There's more than enough eye candy to keep the girls happy, and guys will love the rough and tough surroundings. Plus, it's Sally Field's first movie, playing against type as a loose woman.
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