A bit too cheap
16 January 2022
It's 2022, I just watched Eternals, Dune, Witcher S2 and some other latest Si-Fi & fantasy stuff in the past few days, and felt like something old and cheap for a change. Then I saw the poster of this movie, and it seemed just what I wanted.

And it turned out to be way older and cheaper than I expected. While watching it I thought it's probably made in 50's or 60's, so I shouldn't be too demanding about the photography and CG whatsoever. It actually reminds me a lot of Forbidden Planet, even though people say that's a good movie and this is a bad one. But then I found out it's actually made in 1982, and that's a bit outrageous - after all one would expect something more watchable after Star Wars and Alien.

The funny thing is, I actually find the mutant creature much more endurable than some other elements of the movie - say the space chase at the beginning, and the stupidity of some characters. And that reminded me that it seems monsters movies have progressed pathetically little in the last few decades - the latest Alien is crap, and creatures in recent star wars is only slightly better than those 40 years ago.

Anyway, born in the late 90's, I really don't know much about the b-movies in 80s, but it seems to me it's not really low budget that make this film so bad. Just a bit more light and less flickering scenes would have made it much better. And yes we get a lot of nudity in this film, but frankly in a feature film one would expect nudity to actually have some meaning, otherwise why don't just watch an adult film?
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