Afonya (1975)
movie about loneliness
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
His film is about the hopeless situation of men who grew up under overprotection. The film shows two extremes - either under the fence or under the heel. And the main character, plumber Afonya (real name - Afanasy Borshchov), successfully balances between them. Until a certain point.

(If you have not watched the movie yet, I advise you to return to reading this review after watching it. If you are still not afraid of small spoilers, you are welcome).

So, the protagonist's priorities are to stay free, make no commitments, and have fun. In other words, continue to be in the state of a child.

He does not take a promotion at work (although the qualifications allow). He likes to drink, relax and pokuralesit. The cohabitant leaves him after 2 years of marriage, tired of listening to "breakfasts". But at the same time, it is clear from him that he is kind ("kind like Crocodile Gena"), an optimistic guy.

As the plot develops, the viewer can become more and more convinced that the hero simply does not know how to take care of others. He takes for granted what others offer him - friendship, love, care. But it never occurs to him that others also have feelings and needs.

We can make sure that the main character is not one of those whom life has deprived of opportunities. In youth - the opportunity to become a volleyball coach, at the time of the film - charm, attractiveness (especially compared to drinking buddies), tall stature and a charming kind smile, golden hands and the possibility of a career ladder. There are beautiful women around him, but he stubbornly does not notice them, but always looks at the best, but unattainable option.

In the film, we see how a turning point comes in the fate of the protagonist. When an urgent question arises: either you continue and finally get drunk (for example, his drinking buddy, loader Fedulov), or get married and fall under the heel (like his temporary roommate Kolya, whom his wife kicked out of the house).

But Afonya is once again trying to escape from fate: he leaves for where he spent his childhood - to the village to his aunt (his parents died), whom he has not seen since he came from the army.

Then we will find out the reason for Afonya's character: his aunt raised him, sacrificing her very last, asking nothing in return. At the same time, he has not visited her since he came from the army (apparently, more than 10 years). Being in the city, he once recalls her, and even then by chance - "remind me to send a telegram to my aunt."

After the upheavals, fate presents Athos with another truly wonderful opportunity to grow up and begin to take responsibility for your life. This is where the movie ends.

If I were asked how to continue the film, in my experience, most likely, the main character would have missed this opportunity as well, and it would have been his last. What do you think?

Friends, if you have read up to these lines, and at least partially recognized yourself or your friends in the main character, I advise you to watch this film if you have not watched it yet. Afonei could be your husband, relative, acquaintance, or even yourself (as it was in my case, because that's why I could not afford not to write this review instead of going to bed).
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