Went from great to dubious in a split second...
25 January 2022
Granted, I hadn't even heard about writer and director Guy-Roger Duvert's 2016 sci-fi action crime movie "Virtual Revolution" prior to sitting down in 2022 to watch it. I stumbled upon the movie by random chance, and I liked the cover, as it was rather futuristic-looking in an interesting way.

And the movie was off to a great start, and it definitely had a very "Blade Runner" feel to it, and that was definitely something that worked out well to the movie's advantage.

But then the movie slipped and slid downhill fast and never recovered. I just don't know what happened, but the movie went from being interesting and good into becoming confusing and pointless in the blink of an eye. I have never experienced anything like that in all my years of watching movies. An accomplishment in itself, sure, but not a positive accomplishment.

The storyline flipped on the coin, going from being interesting and entertaining to becoming utter rubbish, and I have to admit that the sudden and abrupt change of pace and direction just left me standing at the corner, maw-gaping at what happened. A shame really, because the movie had such potential.

It was nice to see Mike Dopud and Jane Badler in the movie, which coincidentally were also the only familiar faces on the screen, at least for me.

Visually then I will admit that "Virtual Revolution" was interesting, but it all just faded to the background given the abysmal storyline and contents.

"Virtual Revolution" didn't offer much of anything enjoyable with its sudden change of direction and tone, so the movie was a swing and a miss.

I am rating "Virtual Revolution" a generous three out of ten stars.
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