Bill Elliott acting peaceable as usual
29 January 2022
About to marry Jim Plummer, Kate Foley runs off to Nevada when Ed Bagley convinces her a quick fortune can be made robbing gold shipments that are being transported by the railroad. In Bannock City she meets reformed-bandit Frank Plummer, posing as Frank Norris, brother of Jim Plummer, who has being going straight and working as an express shipment guard. Jim also shows up and plans a robbery by stealing a train and hiding it in an abandoned tunnel. The two brothers are on opposite sides of the law with the now-reformed Kate caught in the middle.

Colourful western with good production values stars Will Bill Elliot, a reformed outlaw who is now guarding a gold train, and of course, his brother - the underrated Forest Tucker - is trying to rob it. Soon they lock heads. Hence some neat conflicts gets aroused. There's some good nifty pace and romance, however the film really picks up mid-way with the train sequence and the robbery. Overall engages but second half is the best part. There's some interesting characters played by Lorna Grey and Minna Gombell.
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