Review of Home Team

Home Team (2022)
Home is where ...
11 February 2022
.. the home team plays? You were thinking of a different saying, weren't you? I was too, to be honest, but then I thought why not mix it up and give you something you do not expect. Now the movie of course will give you a lot of things, but most (if not all) will be things you will expect.

So predictability aside, cliches left to their own - the movie can be a fun watch if you let it. I have to admit, this was better than I expected. It has the flawed hero who is hung up on what others think of him ... instead of seeing the rich and kind people around him. Well it doesn't even need to be explained. But Kevin James does more than a decent job - certain things feel a bit flat and may have been better if the movie was deeper/richer, but this is supposed to entertain more than make you think too much (even if there is a message or two - and some may disagree with the messages too).

So sit back, relax and let the movie entertain you and make you feel for the underdogs ... which we do usually anyway (most of us that is).
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