Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
There is a special sort of charm about this show. Know what I'm sayin'?
17 February 2022
I've been an avid fan of the show for about a decade now. There's an odd charm, a bit of an attraction to the simplicity of the way of life that the characters in the show live, that is oddly alluring. Talk about a fictional, worry-free escape in the world of television, this is the epitome of such a deviation from the real world.

The show follows three main characters: Ricky, who is the completely emotionally-fueled, irrational one of the lot, who constantly puts himself AND OTHERS into horrible and illegal situations, only to shrug it off as "no big deal" (one of the show's many running jokes), and tries to pass the blame onto someone else. And then there's Julian, who is often seen as the "brains" of the trailer park, but really he's mostly in it for himself, and while his heart in usually in the right place, and it's known he cares about his friends, he often forgets the latter and makes decisions only to benefit himself. He also is never seen without a rum & coke in his hand. And finally, there's Bubbles. A special lad, with an adorable affection for kitties, he's usually the voice of reason between the three, even though he may come off as more "special" than his friends. He's the more sympathetic of the trio, and an avid Rush fan. Sometimes, due to the crazy antics of his friends and the lovable psychos of the trailer park, he's often put into unfortunate situations.

And one HAS to give love to the man who plays Jim Lahey, who is the drunk and vengeful supervisor of the trailer park, always looking to get even with "the boys." And a special nod goes to J-Roc, one of TV's most hilariously pathetic characters, whose quotes will live on forever,"'naw what I'm sayyin' booiii?" Seriously, every scene with this character is absolute gold.

The show is absolutely hilarious. The characters are so ridiculous, their ways of life and their mannerisms are so preposterous you can't help but love them. If you can get past all the crude language, that is. And of that, there is a LOT. But the whole show is riddled with brilliant comedy, memorable quotes, and a charming flow.

I absolutely LOVE this show. Especially the first half dozen seasons, before they were picked up by Netflix. I hate repeating myself, but there is such an uncanny CHARM to this show, it's completely irresistible.
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