Client 9 (2010)
"They Pray and Pray for My Downfall"
3 March 2022
New Yorker Notorious B. I. G. Had the rap song with the hook:

"That's not all, MC's have the gall

to pray and pray for my downfall."

Eliot Spitzer's downfall was ardently prayed for and delighted many; especially the criminal fat cats on Wall Street. In my opinion it's unfortunate that Spitzer went out like he did only because so few are able to fight Wall Street and win. In this documentary Eliot Spitzer was not even close to the most despicable person interviewed. Roger Stone was in this documentary for God's sake. You remember Roger Stone? He was sentenced for seven felonies and had his sentence commuted by former President Trump.

I could barely look at or listen to most of the enemies of Spitzer: Hank Greenberg, Ken Langone, Roger Stone, and others. All of them are greedy old farts who would love nothing more than to take everyone's money in the name of capitalism. Then there was Cecil Suwal the ex-CEO of The Emperors Club. A nervous-giggly spaz of a woman who sounded like she was auditioning for the role of an airhead. I don't think she said two intelligent words.

The documentary's biggest flaws were the interviewees, otherwise Alex Gibney did another solid job. After John Pilger, he's my favorite documentarian. He's the mind behind "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room," "Who Killed the Electric Car?," "Taxi to the Dark Side," "Casino Jack and the United States of Money," and "Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God"--all wonderful documentaries.

Even though I largely despise the interviewees, he could not have done the documentary without them. "Client 9" goes from Spitzer's effectiveness as New York's attorney general to his landslide victory as governor, then to his political and social demise. While discussing Spitzer's rise and fall, we were reminded of Wall Street's rise and fall, and some of the puppeteers who masterminded it. While Spitzer was the impetus for the film, it really informs us all that his downfall was a blow to all of us non-wealthy folks who don't get to bend the rules.

HBO Max.
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