Dead Cert (2010)
'Dead Cert' almost proves tomb much to stake as a Lahnden crew bites off more than they can chew!'
5 March 2022
When a bellicose group of lahnden villains grimly discover that the business consortium eagerly offering to buy their nightclub 'The Inferno' are in reality vengeful vampires, the negotiations very soon fatally degenerate into a grisly B-Movie bloodbath! This bemusingly clumsy attempt to bloodily Frankenstein a well 'ard cockney gangster shoot 'em up with a slinky, red-gelled, super-splattery vampire yarn ultimately births a singularly ill-shaped B-Horror beast that fitfully provides trashy titbits of amusement for reasons the film-makers may not have initially intended!

While towering, slab-faced Craig Fairbrass is crudely effective in 'Rise of the Footsoldier', both Fairbrass, and ubiquitous Brit-gangster rent-a-thug Billy Murray appear somewhat out-of-sync with the schlocky material, which generally requires actors with a grander theatricality than they possess. While it is oft claimed that 'Dead Cert' is an overreaching, failed attempt at a British low budget 'Dusk till Dawn, but, to me, it seems far closer thematically to 'Monster Club', but, sadly, lacking the refined script, or quality actors. All that 'blah-blah' being said, mayte, bad movie freaks should be able to amusingly pick these bloody B-Movie bones clean, and, as ever, likeable cove Dexter Fletcher's distractingly voluminous barnet remains a well-coiffed treat, and Stentorian Thespian Stephen Berkoff is on splendidly shouty form, but, sadly, Danny Dyer fans may bemoan his unusually miniscule part!
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