Another Dullard
13 March 2022
Even with Huston directing and Bogart / Jones solid acting this is a flat, dull flick.

Here's my breakdown:

STORY: The majority of this film is incessant conversation (a hallmark of British film) and beautiful women.

These do not make a good story.

This story feels like a an odd amalgam of "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) and "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" (1948).

It's as if Huston and Capote took ideas from both films, switched out some variables, and viola.

This story just doesn't have anything interesting except for an occasional laugh and very beautiful women in Jones and Lollobrigida (considered the most beautiful woman in the world at one time).

ACTING: The acting is actually good, but I didn't expect anything less given the cast.

TEMPO: Slow, dawdling, and as mentioned ... endless talking


DIRECTING / WRITING: I'm very disappointed that this is another of Huston's films that's painfully dull. Oh well.

Is it a good film? No.

Should you watch this once? No.

Rating: 6.0 (most of which go to Jones and Lollobrigida)
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