Review of The Arrival

The Twilight Zone: The Arrival (1961)
Season 3, Episode 2
One of the best.
2 April 2022
Hard to believe that Serling wrote this. Surely he must have lifted the premise from somewhere? (As he had, several times. Lawsuits included. It's all on record.) No moralizing, no dull speeches, every line serves the highly original plot which is full of interesting twists.

In any case, plagiarism or not, the best episode attributed to Serling. So the man did have some talent, after all.

Why this episode is so underrated here? I'd venture a guess that most people just didn't get it, despite the fact that the plot isn't difficult to follow. Or they simply couldn't wrap their heads around the bizarre story that explores reality in a very clever and fun way. People general don't like clever, and have fun mostly with nonsense.
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