Review of Holding

Holding (I) (2022)
such a waste of a good story
4 April 2022
I wonder, did the producers even Read the book by Graham Norton? I have just finished re-reading it, and this bears very little resemblance to it at all. The extra characters, the "woke" (forgive me) aspects unnecessarily added - and irrelevant, distracting the plot - and the complete change in the whys and wherefores. I have never understood why, if you're going to change a story so very thoroughly, you don't just write a whole new story of your own. Brilliant actors, just a pity they ransacked a good book to given them rubbish to work with. Why change the three sisters so radically? Why waste a wonderful actor like Brenda Fricker (or any of them) and give her such utter tosh to speak. I"m sorry, but I'm so annoyed - I can't even finish watching this garbage. Graham, you should sue.
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