So boring and derivative.
4 April 2022
The same storylines from all previous Ip Man films are here in this boring and blandest of martial arts films.

We've had 4 films with Donnie Yen, which has solidified as himself the quintessential Ip Man. However even the other film explorations of the Ip Man character by other actors and directors have still managed to entertain and engage the audience. We were given "The Grandmaster" - Kung fu love story with Tony Leung & Zhang Ziyi done in Wong Kar Wai's unique poetic and graceful style. Then Ip Man: Final Fight with Anthony Wong as an older Ip Man, which had decent action set pieces.

As well as Ip Man: A Legend Is Born which also starred Dennis To in the titular role of Ip Man, was a much better film than the film in question. At least that earlier film showed Dennis To playing Ip Man as youthful slightly cocky young man developing his Wing Chun and his blossoming relationship with Wing Sing. It offered something new and different to seperate it from the iconic portrayal by Donnie Yen. The major problem is Ip Man: Kung Fu Master offers nothing new. NOTHING.

Dennis To as Ip Man is older here and is a Police Inspector, but just plays it straight as the principled stoic and stone faced Ip Man. He has no character development or story arc. Any tease at a subplot isn't given enough time or executed well enough for us to even care.

In regards to the movie's plot, It's all been seen before - Japanese invasion; Japanese Vs Chinese rivialry; Karate vs Wing Chun; same corrupt police and authorities; a Chinese sympathiser for the Japanese; Kung fu master friend dies in battle that needs to be avenged; over patriotism and so many more blatant and lazy plot devices.

It even steals the use of the Kato mask that Donnie Yen used as a tribute to Bruce Lee in Legend of the Fist: Return of Chen Zhen.

This film really feels like it "Missed the Boat." But even if it was released at the height of the Ip Man craze, I think it would have still been considered an extremely poor entry in the collection of Ip Man films. Even if it was judged as a martial arts film on its own merit, it is still a very poor, boring and lazy film. The fight choreography is nothing to get excited about. There's only so many times you can watch straight chain punches, palm slaps and low oblique kicks in the same manner.

Unfortunately I personally feel it highlights the decline of Action/martial arts cinema In China.

Actors/Stuntmen in Hollywood have learned and evolved the craft of martial arts choreography ever since The Matrix and now John Wick. Even the Thais, Indonesians, Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese seem to be doing better martial arts action than what China has been putting out recently.

The great Hong Kong Chinese tradition and lineage of groundbreaking and exciting Kung Fu/Action that was pioneered by such legends as Jimmy Wang, David Chiang, Ti Lung, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Gordon Liu, Jet Li and Donnie Yen, seems sadly over.
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