"Commies vs. Nazis". Why didn't they just call it that?
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Outpost 3: Commies vs. Nazis" has such a great ring to it, doesn't it? Stalin's boys taking on Hitler's gang.

I can't quite figure out whether the makers of this third entry were aiming for us to root for the Roosskies or not. If they were, they've got a screw loose. Any half-way historically/politically aware person (of which there are very few, admittedly, especially amongst regular movie-goers) knows that Stalin's Red Army was just as vicious and butcher-happy as Hitler's, and that Stalin's USSR was perhaps even more vile than Nazi Germany. The idea that three Russian specialists should have the viewer's support is hence baffling, to put it very diplomatically.

Not to mention the fact that any half-way intelligent viewer (again: so few of those; just look at any comments section) will realize that if the Russians get out of the zombie hive they will bring the secrets of resurrection straight back to Stalin. Duh.

Still, aside from this - and the decidedly ugly mono-colour look of the movie - O3 isn't bad: solid action scenes, a decent time-waster.

But for horror fans only.
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