Review of Ambulance

Ambulance (2022)
This is the definition of a nonstop thrill ride
8 April 2022
Michael Bay is back to his old ways. This is an extremely enjoyable popcorn movie. It can be characterized as a mindless action flick. But as I always say, I don't mind mindless if it entertains me. And I was fully entertained. I found myself smiling for most of the movie, constantly at the edge of my seat.

When I say nonstop thrill ride, I mean that to the fullest extent of the phrase. There is about 10 minutes of setup, followed by 2 hours of action and/or suspense. Thirty minutes into the movie I felt like I just watched the climax action scene. I was wondering where the movie could possibly go from there, but there was no need to worry. It took me for a ride. (This is why I love avoiding trailers, I knew nothing going in and had no idea what to expect.)

Everything in this movie is turned up to the max. This is especially the case with the sound effects and musical score. I watched it in IMAX with the giant screen and amazing speakers... it was ecstasy. I could feel the gunshots and explosions. And everything is intensified by the bombastic musical score by beast composer Lorne Balfe.

And this movie has a surprising amount of emotion. It's not subtle, I know it wants me to feel this way with the setup and music. But I still feel it and still enjoy it.

Downsides include some sloppiness with a few of the action moments as well as the editing. And like with any mindless action flick, you have to turn your brain off in some parts. You can't question medical plausibility or why certain drivers seem to really like crashing into stuff. Also, only about half the comedy hit, but the other half wasn't cringe-worthy.

In the end, I had a blast with this movie and will definitely watch it again. My theater was almost empty which is sad. If you like mindless action flicks, go see this in IMAX. It's worth it for this movie more than most.

Side note: this movie has possibly the fastest end credits I've ever seen. I think it might have been 60 or 70 seconds which is ridiculously short for such a big movie. I'm not sure why, maybe they were worried about reaching the 2 hour 20 minute mark and dissuading viewers. But I found it amusing that the credits were as fast-paced as the rest of the movie. (1 viewing, opening Thursday 4/7/2022)
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