Perseverance creates a gem!
10 April 2022
This movie will remind you of poor Sisyphus rolling the stone up the hill, only to see it tumble down and needing to be pushed up the hill over and over again. It is a story of the pain and suffering one has to endure to get an independent film made as it clearly reveals the passion Michael Canzoniero, the writer/director, has for filmmaking. Unlike Sisyphus, however, his trial ends in triumph as Canzoniero's grit got the movie made against the odds.

That's the metastory. Embedded with it are two tracks converging in the making of an independent film. The first follows the travails of a has-been actor trying to make a film revealing the love he has for his recently departed wife. The second presents the struggle a quirky young actress has getting the role that will lead her to stardom.

In my humble opinion the performances were authentic from everyone in the cast but I must praise brilliant performances of Steven Randazzo and Juliette Bennett. If a cabal didn't control the industry, their performances would have been worthy of Oscar consideration.
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