A Wonderful And Accurate Jesus Movie.
14 April 2022
The Jesus Film is a wonderful Jesus movie that adapts The Gospel of Luke, save for John 3:16-17. The movie also sticks very close to The Bible. It's one of the best movies ever made about Jesus, though admittedly looking at it as a movie, it has a few flaws.

As I said, The Jesus Film stays very close to Luke. There are many well done scenes, such as Mary's visit from Gabriel, the Crucifixion and Reurrection, and miracles such as the feeding of the 5,000 and bringing a dead girl to life. We see parables like The Good Samaratian and an uplifting rendition of the change of Zaccheus, a tax collector.

Due to the Biblical accuracy, The Jesus Film has been used around the world by missionaries to spread the Gospel, which lead to many foriegn people becoming Christians. In fact, there are over 1,000 translations, including sign language versions. As a result, it is the most translated film of all time- praise God!

Jesus is played by Brian Deacon, and he is one of the best actors to play our Savior. He presents Jesus in both ways performance wise. His portrayal is very human and divine at once.

There are other good performances as well, such as Niko Nitai, who plays Peter. Alexander Scourby, known for his audio recording of the Bible, narrates as Luke. There are many other fine roles as well.

As an adaptation of the Gospels, this undoubtedly gets a 10. This is easily one of the best Jesus movies ever made. However, as I mentioned, as a movie, it has a few issues.

One easy example is the scene where Jesus calms a storm. It's clearly filmed during the day, and the acting here is poor. When Peter shouts for Jesus, he just says: "Help us. Help us Lord." with no emotion. There is also a scene where Peter sobs for denying Jesus, and he clearly sheds no tears.

It's known that most of the actors had thick accents and needed to be dubbed, so that is not Niko's fault. I just can't fathom how the dubbers passed off those recordings without further takes.

The movie is 2 hours long, and that's just fine. The movie is very enjoyable for a person like me, who enjoys Biblical epics. That said, the movie does seem to drag often. The last 2 times I have viewed The Jesus Film, it has taken me 4, not 2 hours to view it. There's nothing I'd take out or anything, but the 2 hours are a bit too slow paced for a movie.

While the movie is very Biblically sound, there are some metaphors that are taken literally. When Jesus is baptized, Alexander Scourby says that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus AS a dove. A dove then lands on Jesus.

This is to dramtize Luke 3:22, which says:"and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form LIKE a dove." It seems that there was no real dove, although for visual purposes I can see why that was done. Still, it appears to be an inaccurate way to view that verse.

When Jesus prays in Gethsemane in the movie, he sweats blood. Luke 22:44 says "And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was AS it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."

On the DVD Jesus: Fact or Fiction? There is a version of the film that has features explaining possible ways that Jesus miracles could have occurred, and one included is "Is it possible to sweat blood?". Apparently, one CAN in fact sweat blood if they are distressed enough.

However, the verse says that Jesus's sweat was AS drops of blood falling, so, again, in a plain reading, it appears that Jesus was profusely sweating at the thought of being crucified.

It is true that as a piece of cinema, The Jesus Film has flaws- slow pacing, slight inaccuracies from Scripture, mediocre effects, and poor dubbing. However, as a Bible movie, there is much merit to the film, and today it remains as one of the most powerful and accurate movies about Jesus's life to date.

Minor critiques aside, there are few Jesus, or Bible movies for that matter, that I would recommend more than this. In the genre of Biblical epics, consider The Jesus Film to be a must see.
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