Manor House (2020)
Deeply interesting and intelectually stimulating
26 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film on TV when it was about midway or so. I, being interested in philosophy, theology and psychology, enjoyed this movie. It's like an interesting after-dinner conversation with friends, only much more serious and intelectually intense. I found it relaxing and deeply stimulating. Of course, I expected this film to have bad reviews just because it's not the kind of movie that would appeal to everyone. And that is a shame. You can't have a movie like this without someone calling it pretentious. Seems like if it isn't a hollywood blockbuster, it isn't worth existing. I would watch it again, from the beginning.

Besides the philosophy, I enjoyed the setting, the visual style, and the small bits of personality of each character that, to me, made apparent that philosophy is a deeply personal thing, and you can't just separate a philosophical view from the person that exposes that view, with all their biases. There is this scene when one of the characters goes on in a particularly bigoted diatribe on the merits of european civilization and how people of certain other cultures are savages. This is one of those times where it becomes clear how we can end up rationalizing our biases into fully-fledged philosophical theories, rather than using our intellect to become more aware of said biases.
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