Maybe time to stop and re-assess
28 April 2022
Longtime fan of Lisa Simpson here. Should have liked this short, and didn't. The Simpsons shorts in the post-Tracey Ullmann era started out good (The Longest Daycare, Willie's Views on Scottish Independence, Playdate with Destiny), and gave a breath of fresh air to these characters having them respond to current events, or explore new directions such as Maggie having a silent little adventure. Since moving to Disney+, it's been generally downhill.

The shorts all seem intended to advertise both the show or other Disney products. Plusaversary was particularly bad with the way it shilled for Disney+, and there's a bit of that with this one too, particularly in the end credits. Three minutes long and not a single laugh, and a few cringey moments too (spiders out of Billie's mouth, eww). I think it's time for The Simpsons writers to stop and rethink, "What are we doing here?"
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