This adaptation of a famous American horror story . . .
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . casts Don Duck in the role of Madeleine Usher. The notoriously litigious Dizzy Mega Corporation, infamous for suing kindergarten rodent doodlers for "copyright infringement," has always been eager to rip off OTHER more talented artists without ever paying a penny in royalties. DRIP DIPPY DONALD is a perfect example of this. Don here is drawn in the exact image of Madeleine Usher, and to a lesser extent her sound-sensitive brother Roderick, as the lazy duck's sense of hearing magnifies the slightest night sound into the racket made by pile drivers. Like the Ushers, this water fouler also cannot tolerate any but the dimmest light. How much did Dizzy pay Edgar Allan Poe for the rights to adapt his characters, plot, story and work? You can look this up for yourself--absolutely nothing!
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