Review of Madelines

Madelines (2022)
Funish But full of holes
3 May 2022
OK Low budget but still... 100+ bodies dead but no explanation as to what they do with those bodies before the benefactor provides a dump truck.

All new madalines are created from a single incidence. The protagonists are moving through time one day at a time, supposedly the madalines returning from the future have been into the future and are returning to the protagonist timeline, each one, one day later than the previous one. It doesnt make sense that each new madeline is returning one day later. It doesnt make sense that some madalines die in the future but each new day a new madeline turns up. It doesnt make any sense that each madeline returning from the future returns one day later even though the new madalines were created 60 seconds apart.

If there are 3600 in the future and each one has to wait an extra day than the previous before returning, what are all those future madalines eating.

The Script has holes The sound is OK The Photography is ok The Acting is hammy

Its a passable watch 👍👎
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