Review of Meander

Meander (2020)
What is this movie? I will give my thoughts.
12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers

The movie was basically a solo act. She did really well acting and showing emotions and panic and pain. Lots of reviews that I read seem to not understand what the movie was about. Here are my thoughts so spoilers below this point.

She got into a vehicle with a man who happened to be a killer. Now you see him slam onto his brakes and then she hits her head on to the dash. Then she is in the box. Now some time into the movie it shows her fighting off the knife stabs while inside the vehicle. It then shows her falling out of the vehicle and looking up at the sky. She sees a bright light. So either this is the light of aliens and aliens took them both or this is the light of God. Being that this is a film created by a French guy I assume he is religious. So I assume it is the light of God.

Why not aliens? Well could be. The man that killed her is also in the maze. Along with what looks to be a zombie or burned up human demon thing or something. However there is also her child and memories in a room. This is what leads me to believe it is purgatory and not aliens. She also got her foot chopped off at the end, however if you look at her feet during the Forest scene you clearly see both feet are there and no wounds. Her child then comes back and says all you do know is live. It pans out and clearly she is on another planet.

Being on another planet makes me think of Aliens again. But why is her daughter there? It isn't like they grabbed her when she died or made her from scratch. So I am sticking to the purgatory theme. Then there's the whole inside a giant womb thing and she comes out of the b hole looking part. She has some weird I love you moment, with a creature. Just like she had the I love you moment with the skull healing thing. Very odd. I mean nice that the skull thing healed her and filled her suit with something. Maybe it fed her. I don't know.

So the zombie demon thing was odd as well. But she defeated it as well. Or to be honest the maze forced her to face the zombie demon thing. So we can say she had to face her fears and prove she wants to live. Now the other reason I think purgatory is the little girl said you have died many times. Which makes me think the dead female bodies were her bodies. Just a guess on that. All in all it was an odd movie with some good parts and a lot of odd parts. It never fully explains if this is aliens or purgatory or heaven or whatever. I guess that's what the director wanted. Well it is worth watching if you have a spare hour and a half.
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