Acerbic wit
19 May 2022
This show has been getting sharper every season. An update for the sake of the reviewer who thinks the ABC is constantly 'liberal bashing'. It's become as much a tool for the LNP as Murdoch, Seven, Nine and Fairfax. Micalleff is about the only person on here aside from Sammy J who calls out the corruption and awful governing of the party who are going to be voted out this Saturday. A person who claims to value 'balance' would appreciate a jibe at any politician or party, as long as the dig was fair and justified, because what they said or did was actually bad. Satire is meant to poke fun at and condemn awful behaviour and speech from corrupt, inept and nasty politicians, regardless of their 'side.' It's easy to imagine that when Labor is in again, the show will poke fun at them, too, much like how Jon Stewart, after criticising Bush, started criticising Obama after he won the election. Either way, it's not the person criticising the politician who's bad, it's the bad politician. If we don't hold them to account, we aren't participating in our prized democracy.

Micalleff is an intelligent satirist and very enjoyable to watch, much like Sammy J. I would say like The Weekly, but that's lost its way this year.
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