4 June 2022
Brandon deWilde & Walter Brennan star in this affectionate 1956 tale of a boy's love for his dog. DeWilde, a latch key kid living w/his uncle, Brennan, doesn't seem to have things going his way. Brennan won't let him have a rifle to shoot varmints with or have a pet of his own which all changes when he hears a yippish cry from the woods finding a rare dog from Africa. They soon bond & develop a love for each other but as night follows day, sunnier times turn dark as the original owner, sending an envoy to collect the pooch, wants what's his back. Will deWilde relinquish his pal at the end or put up a good fight? Touching upon many boy & their pet yarns like The Yearling (my personal favorite of this type) & Ol' Yeller, this film is in a lower register w/simple guitar strumming for a score, copious amounts of Southern drawls heard throughout & direction by William A. Wellman (the original A Star is Born/Wings) as deliberate as the clearing of one's throat so if you love your canine & old films, what a pair this film'll make. Also starring Sidney Poitier as a friendly neighbor & Phil Harris (that's right Baloo from the animated Jungle Book) as a kindly general store owner.
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