Poor premise and boring show.
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show begins with a poor premise. First of all if the people watching at home have no say in the show, and instead it's just the in house audience every episode, then what is the point of showing us (people at home) the show? In other shows, people at home can vote for their favorites and help them move forward but not here. It would have been more interesting if it was something like American funniest home videos, where the dancers were dancing at home (live stream or whatever) and the in house audience votes on their favorites and the judges comment. Then it allows the audience to feel as part of the show where anyone can submit their videos and get to be part of the show. Plus the show can still keep the same format. It's just an idea, but it would fill the gap that is there with the viewer. Because the show is trying to mirror tik tok and be flashy but it's missing the point of tik tok or online content sharing, where anyone can get involved and be a part of.

Their attempt to understand this is them trying to get the viewer to copy the corny dance moves from the show and then they might show 5 seconds of people on tik tok doing it. But unlike many viral trends that naturally viral, it seems very forced and manufactured. Plus the moves are repetitive and aren't very good or interesting to get the viewer to do them. Nor is there any incentive to do so.

The fast pace of the show with a new winner and contestant each episode, makes it hard to connect or care about any of the dancers. It even makes it hard for them to showcase their talent to their full potential. There are some dancers who I noticed where pretty talented but they are sent home before you even know who they are or see their full talent. Not to mention the voting should also be transparent. Like are they voting based on Skills? Personality? Talent? Beauty?

I also find many of the 'celebrity led' dance moves really bad and extremely cringeworthy. The dances attempt to mirror the same cringe air controller dances you see on tik tok, which I find limits the show's potential and dancers potential. There are so many styles of dances out here which I would love to be able to see and for dancers to showcase but instead the show sticks to air controller hip hop dances.

The judges seem bored and like they are just there to collect a paycheck. They have no chemistry and their banter sounds forced and unoriginal. They don't provide any interesting of helpful criticism, that you are left wondering what even is their point on the show. I understand getting celebrities to try to draw in viewers but I would prefer to watch professional dancers and choreographers actually give their feedback and input. Rather than Shakira giving the most unoriginal commentary of "you owned it" etc. Every time.

Not to mention actually having professional choreographers and dancers, choreograph the dances (rather than some random famous so-called celebrity I haven't heard of) would help improve the unoriginal dances.

Another point poor choice on the show, is the music. Most of the music the dancers dance to is really bad, and you're left wondering why would anyone dance to this song. Don't get me wrong there are some songs they dance to that I like but the songs are just not songs to dance to. I think it's cool to challenge dancers to dance to music they are not used to but it doesn't work with this premise where most of the moves is a cringe attempt at corny tik tok dances.

Overall, the show is poorly created, repetitive and should focus on the contestants rather than the celebrities they have signed on and their poor attempt to mimic tik tok. Save your time and watch something else.
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