One of WC Fields' Best Performances ever as he plays an underestimated gentleman without any traditional tantrums.
26 June 2022
Man on the Flying Trapeze (1935) : Brief Review -

One of WC Fields' Best Performances ever as he plays an underestimated gentleman without any traditional tantrums. Clyde Bruckman's comedy is fun because of WC Fields, but it's also got a good story. Even if there is less comedy, comedies with good stories become better watch materials because you get additional entertainment. On the Flying Trapeze has WC Fields playing a henpecked and helpless husband. While trying to take his first day off from work in 25 years to attend a wrestling match, he experiences a series of misadventures. Throughout the viewing, I was thinking about how he would triumph at the end. I mean, that's what our protagonist does in comedy films, right? I kept waiting, and the conclusion came as quite a pleasant surprise. The film wasn't as funny as I expected, but I am happy with the good script. It has that goodwill factor working as a boost, and I always admire such positive things in films. However, a little more comedy would have been better anyway. WC Fields gave one of his best performances ever in this film. He remains an underdog and an underestimated fella in the film, but emerges victorious at the end, even as an actor. The film has some of his trademark scenes. That 'drat' is there in the beginning. The dumb-looking introduction is there. That car parking scene was the best of them all, followed by the misadventures around the wrestling match. Kathleen Howard plays a bittersweet role. You hate her for the cruelty, but then she reveals the good side of herself at the end. Mary Brian is cute and beautiful, while Grady Sutton and Vera Lewis are utterly brutal according to the requirements of their characters. WC Fields and Sam Hardy were uncredited directors, so let's just thank Clyde Bruckman for the fun ride. His direction is fairly good, but yes, it could have been better.

RATING - 6.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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