30 June 2022
Stan and Ollie get shanghaied on sea captain Walter Long's broken down boat --all because nobody wants to board it because its rumored to be haunted!

The rest is hilarious with the boys in some creepy situations. Best of the lot; being chased by a "drunken" ghost who turns out to be Mae Busch's husband, played by Arthur Housman. Nobody could play a drunk better than Housman, who reportedly, never drank in his life. Another fun scene finds Long asking Busch (as Maisie, the vamp!) to marry him? Mae's double takes are priceless. Look for Charlie Hall as a sailor, and other familiar faces who pop up in the team's films.

The weather-beaten boat set was also used by Our Gang/Little Rascals in SHIVER MY TIMBERS. Wacky stuff only Laurel and Hardy could pull off and wait for the bizzaro ending when Long finally has the LAST word. Always on remastered dvd, but watch for European releases that do not play on American-made players. Thanks to METV for running these short films on their Classic Comedy showcase.
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