Baptiste (2019–2021)
Series1 Over complicated but entertaining
30 June 2022
In brief, the plot is overcomplicated by a bag of money that keeps disappearing, but the overall impression is a well acted, produced and directed series. Tom Holland is very good as an emotionally distressed .character who could become a psychopath but ultimately doesn't because his character requires a smattering of redemption. This isn't quite how psychology works and he makes the best of some underwhelming writing (why do script-writers do good actors a disservice by thinking they know something about psychology???). Volger's transformation doesn't convonve but Karyo is very watchable and keeps a steadying influence on the overall tone of the piece. Several twists keep us watching and the overall conclusion is ...oddly.... warming and satisfying. I get the feeling that the actors are carrying this on their own. Baptiste is very good but a better script and more directorial leadership could have made this brilliant.
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