What resistence and war really means......
16 July 2022
This is not your typical war film. Stones for the Rampart shows us what the price of going to war, in any context, really means.

Whilst old men do the talking, as we are shown, its the young and innocent, who do the dying. They don't always die well, either. If indeed, there is such a thing.

Scenes of death and torture of young WWII Polish resistance fighters in this film, are not an easy watch. The underlying message is a valuable one, nonetheless.

I'm not sure this could be called an anti war film. The cause of Polish patriotism is still promoted. That said, there's enough here to make it plain war is not glorious, nor is it conspicuous.

Whether people die bravely or just die, they are swiftly replaced. Little more than stones in a defensive wall. Nameless and ultimately forgotten by all, except those few who knew them.

Acting is excellent. For a young cast all those involved are to be commended.

In short, a sad, sobering watch, that is not easily forgotten. Nor should it be.

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