If you cannot buy it, steal it!
24 July 2022
"Get That Venus" is a B-comedy from tiny Regent Pictures. It mostly stars some B-list actors (such as Ernest Truex and Harry Davenport) but also has Jean Arthur, before her career went off like a skyrocket in the mid-1930s.

A rich woman wants to raise money for her beloved horses. To do so, she plans on selling a valuable painting called "The Asterville Venus". However, the town of Asterville doesn't want to lose the painting, as it's its one claim to fame...so the local paper starts a fundraiser to buy the picture. However, the lady doesn't seem inclined to sell it to them, as she dislikes her hometown and is being a bit spiteful. So, in order to get the painting some folks resort to hiring an idiotic thief (Tom Howard) to steal it....all for the good of Asterville, of course!

The thief in the film is pretty much the same character Tom Howard played in the short comedy "2 a.m."...and if you like one film, you'll likely enjoy the other. Truex, on the other hand, plays a character very much unlike his usual characters...he plays a real lecherous guy...one that is at odds with his usually mousey demeanor.

So is it any good? Yes, but it certainly is pretty lightweight and isn't a film that will change your life. It's more a pleasant time-passer than anything else.

By the way, you can REALLY tell that this is a Pre-Code film, as the editor of the newspaper curses repeatedly throughout the film...something you'd NEVER have heard after the nrew Production Code went into effect in July, 1934.
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