save Hindi Film Industry from Punjab people🙏
1 August 2022
Hindi film industry should be saved from Punjabi nepotim (producers, directors, actors) as quick as possible, they are using Hindi films to promote Punjabi language, culture, people, characters.

These people suppress hardworking talent especially from hindi region, nawaz, manoj, pankaj, neeraj kabi etc

Last time talent from hindi region like director writer actors came together we got Gangs of Wasseypur.

They show main character as punjabi and set in punjab region with punjabi songs in HINDI films,

tell your stories in punjabi movies.

Now its time to completely remove all there influence in hindi film forever, hindi movies only for hindi region characters, in or outside hindi region

This trend of punjabi main character in hindi films mainly kick started in few decades, and there are so many example in just recent times, chandigarh kare aashique, antim, jersey, jug jug and even Tabbar, a "hindi-punjabi show" whats the need for that?

Even if the movie will be about Uttar pradesh characters they put punjabi songs like water like in Bachhan Pandey.

Hindi film industry for Hindi talent, for Hindi region people stories and for Hindi audience.
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