Review of Peter Gunn

Peter Gunn (1958–1961)
Formulaic due to its short running time but entertaining nevertheless
5 August 2022
Peter Gunn is a private detective with a knack for finding trouble. His cases often mean he runs into some of the shadiest characters, most vicious thugs and the most powerful crime bosses. Unflappable and resourceful, he always gets the guilty party.

I was initially very impressed with this series. The first episode was brilliant, a mini film noir crime drama condensed into a 26-minute episode. All that was missing was Humphrey Bogart.

However, as the series went on it was obvious that the episodes follow pretty much the same routine. The 26-minute running time is a severe constraint as there's no time for plot development or character development. It's generally just: murder, enter Gunn, meet villain, initial setback for Gunn, regroup, showdown, Gunn prevails. It's a by-the-numbers action series.

It's still quite entertaining though. The action scenes are great and Craig Stevens does a solid job as Peter Gunn. Gunn's girlfriend Edie (played by Lola Albright) also helps make this watchable.

The show also gave us the classic Peter Gunn theme by Henry Mancini as well as added further momentum to the career of writer-producer Blake Edwards. He would go on to direct the Pink Panther movies (also with a catchy Henry Mancini theme tune), Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Party and Victor/Victoria, amongst many others.
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