Down to Earth (2001)
Manages to be both funny and touching
9 August 2022
Lance Barton is a messenger boy and a struggling comedian who is so bad that he has earned himself the unfortunate nickname of 'Booey.' Things take a turn for the worse for Barton when he is knocked down and killed by a truck. It seems that all is not lost when an angel known as Mr King offers Barton the chance to live his life through another person (in this case a contemptible old white man). Things become complicated for Barton when he falls for hospital worker Sontee whom hates the very person Barton has embodied...

I thought that when Lance discovered that he was embodying a rich guy that he would take advantage and abuse the opportunity that has been given to him...

The reality is very different and Lance essentially flips the switch and starts to become a more positive person in the guise of Charles Wellington. You could argue that he is only doing this to impress Sontee, but I'm not so sure I think that Lance is a good guy and would have done his best to help others regardless as to whether Sontee was on the scene or not.

Although Down to Earth has a touching story, it remembers it has Chris Rock in the lead role and therefore it needs to be funny and thankfully it is. I think the best parts of the film are when we see what other see when Lance is Charles Wellington i.e the old white man throwing some moves in his car to music that he shouldn't really be listening to and the scene in the restaurant where the same thing happens. Truth be told, I would have liked to have seen more of Lance from the perspective of everyone else as it would have made the film a lot funnier, but at the same time I get why the majority of the film is seen from the viewpoint of Lance (this is so the audience can see that we are seeing Lance Barton rather than Charles Wellington).

The Weitz brothers have directed this picture and have almost made the film to be a mini American Pie reunion; it features John Cho, Eugene Levy & Jennifer Coolidge. Whilst none are given a great deal to do, Levy, for me, comes off best and certainly gives the funniest performance.

Where the film becomes really charming is at the end when you feel as though Lance pretty much goes full circle and one can see how his influence has had a positive effect on those around him.

Ignore its rather modest IMDB score and the scathing reviews from the critics (whom I must admit I tend to ignore now) and enjoy this film for what it is; a funny, touching piece of escapism.
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