12 August 2022
This is a quaint, but fairly meaningless, short. It is certainly not for anyone who wants to watch for insights into '60s, British youth culture; its fashions or it's tribal violence. That is unless you are after stylised ballet versions.

It is a sort of sixties exploitation movie highlighted by the fact that 'Music By The Beatles' seems to be given predominance in the poster and credits when, although strictly true, the music is an adapted version of Lennon & McCartney, Harrison songs. People who want to know more about 60s.

The film only lasts for 25 minutes and I watched to the end because I can usually find something in most films from the era that can be said to have appeal but I struggle with this. I suppose seeing a young Mick Fleetwood playing drums and a teenage Pete Bardens (Camel) on keyboards is a little but interesting but apart from that only the fact that it gives some insight into how most people, not involved, saw the culture clashes of the mid-sixties. A therefore sad little film.
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