I Am Groot (2022– )
Max and Ruby the Groot version
13 August 2022
This hash is a rip-off of the Treehouse show Max and Ruby. Max was a delinquent rabbit, probably related to Bugz that got into random trouble due to no supervision.

It's about an Avenger/GOTG member after his older self died after Groot was like "We are Groot".

It's practically the same thing, but about a tree doing random, uninteresting things.

Iunno if this is made for kids. If I was a kid I would not be interested in this. There is nothing going on. Which kid can sit for 5 minutes watching something like this? Iunno. I mean the pro is if a kid was watching this they would be bored and would rather go outside and play. Which is good.

Overall, It has good animation. Its not for me or even for my younger self either. When I was a lad I was watching Dragon Ball Z, Samurai super Cat, Mummies Alive, Goosebumps, Are You Afraid of The Dark?. Not this baby show.

Still we gotta thank Groot for help making Stormbreaker because without him Thor wouldn't have went for the head.
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