Review of Rocky

Rocky (1976)
"Why aren't you wearing your hat?"
16 August 2022
A classic, or perhaps THE classic, story of being beaten down again and again, only to rise above.

Here's my breakdown:

STORY: Like many, I watched this when it came out, and it was sensational for most that watched this relatable story.

Few (contemporary) stories capture, really capture, what it's like to be told "You're a bum" over and over, all while the person keep his / her head above the cruelties of men.

Or as Rocky quietly says to his girlfriend "Adrian!" - "I just want to go the distance." That's it people ... go the distance, and keep you nose clean.

What a beautiful and classic metaphor for getting though life, often with others by our side.

ACTING: Normally, I am not a Stallone fan, but he, Shire, Meredith, and many others all did a fantastic job.

There was an immersion by Stallone that I much appreciate, not that the character is far from his own persona, but excellent character immersion.

ENTERTAINMENT: Moderate to high

TEMPO: Excellent pace throughout, nicely managed


MUSIC / SOUND: Sound was fine, and so was the theme song

DIRECTING / WRITING: Director: Aside from this film, Avildsen directed only one other film I'd recommend (lightly) "The Karate Kid" (1984).

Writers: I don't normally think of Stallone as a writer, but wow, nice work.

Is it a good film? Yes!

Should you watch this once? Yes, at least

Rating: 8.5.
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