Now that was boring ...
19 August 2022
Looks like TV. Sounds like TV. Smells like TV.

Here's my breakdown:

STORY: For this one I'm going to be harsh.

This story is 100% hype, or as it's said in the world of performance cars: "All show and no go." From having such vague characters and situations to terribly contrived scenes, this is poor storytelling.

There are so many, many conspiracy / deep reporting stories ... and this does not belong with them.

This story acts like it should go somewhere, but it never does. Yes, you get an occasional "Ah ha!" but then you realize it's an aberration in the film as it goes back to idling.

There are so many other / better films in a similar style, but here are just a few: > "Three Days of the Condor" (1975), > "All the President's Men" (1976), > "Zodiac" (2007).

This Para-laxtive story is awful because it's confused and empty.

ACTING: I've never seen Betty in any role that was distinct from all his roles. He's not a bad actor, but like so many "pretty boys" he's good looking but not a good actor (yes, even Robert Redford was almost as superficial).

Otherwise, this is stacked with TV actors. Hm, I wonder why ...


TEMPO: Scattered, frayed



DIRECTING / WRITING: Director: Pakula's relatively short portfolio contains two films I've enjoyed: "Klute" (1971) and "All the President's Men" (1976). Otherwise, I've not seen or liked his other works.

Writers: The two screenplay writers delivered two stories into film that are excellent: "Aliens" (1986) and "Three Days of the Condor" (1975), but otherwise ... it's TV TIME !

Is it a good film? No, it's a TV dinner (many of you probably never ate a "real" TV dinner when they were in aluminum)

Should you watch this once? No, don't

Rating: 4.0.
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